AMG Consultancy Services Ltd: Gender Pay Reporting - March 2024
Mean Gender Pay Gap: -5.62%
Median Gender Pay Gap: -3.52%
Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap: 89.50%
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap: 0.00%
Proportion of Males receiving a Bonus: 27.15%
Proportion of Females receiving a Bonus: 26.57%
Males Females
Proportion in the Lower Quartile: 12.59% 87.41%
Proportion in the Lower Middle Quartile: 19.42% 80.58%
Proportion in the Upper Middle Quartile: 11.11% 88.89%
Proportion in the Upper Quartile: 10.79% 89.21%
AMG Consultancy Services Ltd is primarily a Nursing & Care Agency and as expected within the sector is highly female dominated. However, AMG is proud to say that this trend does not just exist within our care staff but throughout the organisation in all levels of management. This can be seen in our proportion of males and females within each quartile as we have a higher proportion of females in the Upper Middle and Upper quartiles.
AMG continue to utilise an organisational Pay Rate system which covers all our branches as shown in our Mean & Median Gender Pay Gap. Over the last 12 months we have maintained and developed within existing geographical locations with the same external factors including unemployment levels and average pay of other sectors. The result is that there has been very little change in the proportion of males and females within each Quartile when comparing the figures with the previous reporting period. We have however, seen increased recruitment of Males in one geographical area, the contracted pay rates for this area sit in the Lower Middle quartile of our overall rate sheet.
As stated above AMG is proud of the fact that females dominate all levels of management and as such a higher proportion of females are in position. However, the position attached to the largest bonus payment is currently occupied by a male incumbent. This is the reason for the Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap which we do not consider to be a gender issue.
Kind Regards
Garrett Taylor - Managing Director

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